He is not a private person ; he is a public instrument . anyone can use it - you know this already - to do any kind of job , it doesn t matter how humble or how great . you always let the master or tell the master to do it , and the master will do it , whether you see it or not 同样的,为师父人类同修及非同修做任何事,都是自我回报,当然,替师父工作,也就是为人类工作,因为师父就是全人类,而不是一个个人,师父是大众的工具,任何人都可以使用,这个你们很清楚,你们可以要求师父做任何工作,不论多卑下或多伟大的事,你们总是要师父去做,而师父也会去做,无论你们是否看得到,师父不必一一向你们报告做了哪些事。
A public instrument is any legal instrument recorded with and authenticated by a public office or employee. Any such instrument, in order to carry weight, must be genuine and authentic.